Monday, February 22, 2010

What I Did Over the Weekend

On the weekend, SATURDAY: I went to my mom's salon and after that, my dad had to pick up his (friends) from the airport. We watched movies Alvin and the Chipmunks (it was boring), Obsessed (that rocked...I like the fight), Step Up, and Scary Movie 1. Then the door bell rang and it was Alexis. She wanted to play the Wii, but then....... she hit the TV with the remote cause the WARNING!!! said "TIE THE LITTLE STRAP THINGY ON YOUR WRIST," she ignored it. She played one of the games called (Zelda's Twilight ??) just because it had the word TWILIGHT. We listened to the radio channel 97.9 The Beat, K104, 106.1 Kiss FM. When I tuned up the channels slowly at a time Alexis started SCREAMING because....... Justin Beiber was on.


Alexis said...

lol dude that was funny when i screamed and u got scared